Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can you imagine how embarrassing this must have been...?

You gotta feel for the hostess of Australia's Next Top Model. Let me not spoil it for you though - watch the video below to see what I mean... Ouch! Heads will roll for this I'm sure, although it won't be that of the show hostess - apparently the wrong information was fed to her from backstage. Still, I wouldn't want to be in her sho...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Parvati is sole Survivor... your thoughts?

So after another exciting Survivor season, this time in Micronesia, Parvati Shallow finally emerged as the victor and ultimate survivor. "OMG I WON!" The look says it all... Even though I really thought that Amanda had it in the bag, Parvati edged her out in the end, and if I was wearing a hat right...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wibiya is super cool... check out these nifty features!

I really am a sucker for cool add-ons and gadgets that make the Blogger platform so cool to work with. Most recently I came across the Wibiya toolbar, which is a seriously useful add-on to any blog, in my humble opinion. Image via CrunchBase To see the toolbar in action, have a look at the bottom of...

Google turns 12 today...

Can you believe that Google is 12 years old already? In traditional fashion of course, they marked the occasion with one of their annual "Google doodles"... Check it out: Keep up the good work guys - what you do certainly keeps everybody on their toes and at the top of their game! Related articles...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can't write files to an NTFS hard drive on your Mac? Try this...

This is an oldie which has long plagued me, and probably many others as well. It confounds Mac owners the world over, and it stumps anybody who gets an external drive (NTFS formatted), when they suddenly realise that they cannot copy anything onto the drive from their Mac. Enter NTFS-3G - an open...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Can you get by without your cellphone...?

Right now I can already hear the resounding response to the title of this post... "NO!" will most likely be the most popular answer :)It is pretty ironic then, that I am typing this up on my trusty Nokia N97 - a device which I am more or less glued to most of the time.I went out to the shops this week and halfway there I noticed something amiss... OMG I LEFT MY CELLPHONE BEHIND!!I managed to suck...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jellyfish Lake, Palau - this week's amazing place...

As an avid watcher of Survivor, I was chuffed to see Jellyfish Lake again featured in an episode of the season currently airing on SABC. For those who don't follow Survivor, one of the reward challenges offered the prize of snorkeling in Jellyfish Lake, Palau. Jellyfish Lake is located on Eli Malk...

Friday, September 10, 2010

One of the most beautiful places I have ever visited... Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia)

In my ongoing series of posts about extraordinary places on Earth, this one is about a place that I have had the rare privilege of visiting myself. Today's post is all about visual eye candy and beauty. While I hear a lot of people talking about what a tourist hotspot Croatia is, they almost always...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's that background track they use on 5FM when Catherine is doing the traffic...?

For a while now I have wanted to know what the background music on 5FM was, when Catherine reads the traffic report in the afternoons. I thought it must just be a catchy tune that they conjured up using Fruityloops or some other music-making software. Then I heard it again today, but this time as a...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Some easy ways to save a few bob...

I was thinking about ways I could reduce the amount of money I spend each month, and the more I thought about it, the more I realised some obvious ways in which I could easily save a few ZAR each and every day... (for those readers outside of South Africa, ZAR = South African Rands) :) ...collect...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cell C "4Gs" rollout has started...

According to the Cell C website, the first of many South African cities (Port Elizabeth) has now received the long-awaited "4G" network upgrade that Cell C has been promising for so long. An update at this link on the Cell C site claims that this is the very first of its' type in Africa... Man oh man, Cell C's "4G" better be rolling out in JHB very soon... and trust me, when (if!) it does ever arrive...

Cellphone charging stations in shopping malls - a really smart idea!

I was walking thru Eastgate recently and I came across a machine that looks like one of those fortune telling machines that you put your finger on... Thankfully this was not one of those machines, but rather a small stroke of genius, in the form of a machine that you can charge your cellphone with. Check...

Friday, September 3, 2010

How much smaller can the iPod Shuffle get?

The new iPod Shuffle is here, and while I have my own personal digs at Apple here and there, I must say that it looks pretty darn impressive. Take a peek at Apple CEO Steve Jobs presenting the product here: I was fortunate enough to...

Nybbles and Bytes reaches position 299 on SA Topsites :)

While this might not be a big deal for someone who blogs professionally, Nybbles and Bytes has broken the 300 mark in ranking on :) Thanks to all the readers out there who take the time to view my blog - although it is not my primary focus I still want to get it pumping and up there...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Looking for a bizarre place on our planet? "The Door to Hell" in Turkmenistan certainly fits the bill...!

I often come across online resources about our planet and some of the really bizarre and fascinating places that exist on it... some of which I would love to visit, and others perhaps not so much... :) So over the next few days I am going to randomly post about some of these places, from the amazingly...

Could you make the switch from Outlook to Gmail...?

Google are a smart bunch of guys - this is common knowledge to most people who know even a small amount about IT and the internet. One of their attempts at being really smart is their Google Docs offering, which is available free of charge if you have a (free) Gmail account. If you have never used...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How come Cell C cannot send me an SMS straight away, but Gmail can?

My tirade against Cell C continues. I was editing my details on the Cell C site, and before you can do anything, you need to enter a one time password that Cell C is supposed to send to your phone. That was 20 minutes ago, and still I wait for my one time pin, the patient guy that I am. Confusing,...

If it says "T's and C's Apply", then they can say pretty much anything they want...

Adverts always carry small print - whether it is a food product being sold, with the words "Serving Suggestion" on the packaging, or an unbelievable deal which is somehow limited in the small print, most ads we see have got some disclaimers built in. Obviously this is necessary to cover the advertiser in legal terms. I saw a good example at Makro the other day - Logitech had a special on their Alto...

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