Friday, January 27, 2012

If you watch one Youtube vid today, let it be this one - "Somebody that I used to know", covered by Walk off the Earth... Incredible!

A few days ago, a Canadian band called Walk off the Earth were featured on The Ellen Show, performing their version of Gotye's track "Somebody that I used to know". Since the beginning of January 2012, their Youtube video of them performing the track has received over 39 million hits...! In the video, the 5 band members perform the track using a single acoustic guitar, each person using a different...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dumb and dangerous things to do while driving...

I wrote a post last year about someone I saw using sign language while driving - clearly something which has to raise a few safety concerns. It got me thinking about all of the other things that we see people doing on the roads every single day, and which we probably don't even give a second thought to anymore: 1. Talking on cellphones while driving This one is a biggie. We have all seen people...

Now this is what you call higher grade spam...

Got this gem in my Junk E-mail today - it was so convincing that I nearly fell for it!...;) -----Original Message----- From: Webmail Communication Customer Service [] Sent: 14 January 2012 17:31 To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT TODAY    Attn:Account User, We have notice a high rate of spam activities in your mail server. Enter...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How's this for an exhilarating bumper sticker... :)

Living life on the edge...! (there's a red heart in there somewhere after "I"...) Couldn't they have put a stock image of a pin in there somewhere...? A bowling alley maybe...? Use a more exciting font perhaps...? Liven it up a bit man - say NO to boring bumper sticker...

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